fredag 13. august 2010

Laundry services...

Then suddenly I was halfthrough my holiday on this fabulous Island of urban unity, and I had to do my laundry; I was actually a bit excited to do this, just because of the very fact that I'd never done it before! Some of the other backpackers at the hostel told me there were a laundry just nearby, on the corner of 49st and 9th ave. -I thought that was quite a walk just for laundry, but I just had to do it, so I just got my stuff together and strolled out...

Luckily I found a laundry further down to the hostel, so I saved a couple of blocks of walkin' -great! I had two choices, either I could get them to do it for me, which would've costed me $11 + tip,or do it myself and save some bucks on it -so I decided to do it myself! I just really wanted to have that experience of being into a laundry to do one's laundry, and besides; it's my holiday, so I'm not into a rush of any kind or something anyway!

I bought soap-powder and went into this area were the laundromats are; at first I didn't see that there was two types, a small and one that was double the size which was really huge! I'll bet you could fit about 10 kilos of dry clothing into there! Everything's so big over here... ofcourse the big one costed a lot more than the smaller one, but i didn't see that, so I emptied the soap-pack into the the drawer for soap and stuffed my clothes in -then I suddenly realised this machine costed a lot more than the other ones -fuck! I already had emptied the powder and now I just realized that stuff, I got angry on my self! And I sweared a lot in my head! Instead of going crazy in there, I calmly asked this really sweet old lady who was there, also doing her laundry -she was r-e-a-l-l-y doing laundry; she had four machines running, with different types of clothes -I realized she was a pro' on doing this! Of course I asked her for advice, and she really helped me out! We had a chat, and I got to know her a little bit! She was really nice and sweet! From France, had moved here for two decades ago, her husband had passed away, her family was still back home... She told me to take care of my self, and to watch my back -I promised her to do just that! :)

This lady just got me to love this city even more! Even though it's as big as it is; you'll definately will meet people who care! New Yorkers in general isn't coldhearted at all! Ofcourse, some are, but not the merely of them; there's really much warmth and tenderness going on here, you just have to take your time, and look underneath it's surface... :)

Here's the tumbler -can you see the pink shirt?! It's a new vintage found! :D

Finally got to the part were the clothes were tumbled dry and finished -just had to fold! And ofcourse; my cup of Starbucks coffee and my much-needed-water-bottle! It goes wherever I go!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Heia Lars < :
    Jeg Matte le godt av den klesvaskinga di : ) Så flott hos du traff på ei hyggelig dame , Som kunne hjelpe deg . Og Som Hun sa : pass godt på deg SELV . Hjemme ER alt bra .
    Glad i deg !
    Klemma fra mamsen : )

  2. Hehe... ja, det var ganske hysterisk hele greia! Jeg hadde jo til og med hatt alt vaskepulveret oppi skuffa, så jeg måtte grave det ut med bare hendene mine, opp i pakka igjen med det, og hadde det i kammeret på den mindre maskinen! Jaja... litt styr skal det være! Ikke så lenge til jeg kommer hjem nå! Godt alt er bra hjemme -du begynner vel å jobbe igjen på mandag? Glad i deg! :) *klem tilbake*
