I woke up pretty late today -eventhough i went to bed last night at 10 pm; didn't get myself up untill the clock had reached 10.30(am)! Guess it was caused by the fact that I woke up in the middle of the night, and layed there... thinking... thinking of everything that I've experienced here -there's so much to bring back home! I've really grown in this travel! And even though, the world seems pretty scary sometimes... I guess it always will be that to me...
So I finally got up, had a shower and when i opened the door, there was a beige mouse on our floor! "Oh my g..." -I said, silently. The french guy who has the bed above me asked me what I o-m-g for, and then I answered that it was because there was a mouse on the floor! Hahahahahaha! I just have to laugh! Hostels you know... besides, -it's New York, and they really have a rat- and mouseproblem here! Here, the other night, one of my room-mates told me that she had seen a mouse eating on my bag of chips which I've been keeping in a plastic bag under my bed. I checked it, and there was o hole in the bag! Haha! Those pita-chips were really good, so good for that muse she got some! Of course, I had to throw the whole bag...
Today, I'll visit the upper west side and check that out. Haven't been to Harlem yet, I think i'm a bit mixed 'bout whether I should go there or not -not that I don't want it, but I've been hearing so much different about whether it's safe or not.... think I'll check it out carefully, anyway.... ;)
It's sunday, and I really feel that my body is having that sunday feeling too. Even New York is slower, not that it's slow, just slower. The funny thing about Lars and New York, is the very fact that even here I'm standing out of the crowd! I had this experience last year when I went to Barcelona, I really thought that I'ld blend in more here, but no, not even here do I blend in! Not that I want to either... it's just funny though! ;)
When I'm asked, I always say that I've quitted guys, and I really mean that too... I don't understand them, we're just so different, it feels like I'm from another planet -I know I'm gay, and in so many ways I'm really a prototype version of it, but at the same time, I'm just really different... there's a lot of gay guys here, ofcourse, but even here, in the City of New York, the City of Hope, the World Metropolis, I feel really different from the other guys. I hope that's a good thing;
"No matter where in the world you go,
you will always bring yourself with you..."
A wise person told me that some years ago, and earlier this week Jay, a girl at the salon repeated that to me. It just refreshed my mind... over here, the gay guys seem to constantly be cruising; their eyes are always searching and seeking around -it's like they're always hunting for their next prey. I like to watch a handsome guy, but not like this; they're really in for some hunting! I hope I'll never be like that, it doesn't seem to be a nice state to be in. I guess they're really happy with it though...
Word out. . .
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